Terms and Conditions
1. Uniform
1.1 All students are required to wear Delmon Private School's uniform to attend school.
1.2 Students wearing non-uniform clothing will not be permitted to enter the school or attend classes. Students whom arrive at school wearing clothes other than the school uniform will be sent home.
1.3 Other than the school jacket, hoodies, coats, and sweaters are not permitted. Students will be expected to handover unauthorized outerwear to a staff member upon arriving and will be able to collect it at the end of the day.
2. Attendance
2.1 Punctual arrival and everyday attendance in all classes are essential for academic achievement. As a result, all students must arrive by 7:15 a.m., attend all classes, and remain until dismissal.
2.2 If a medical or legal appointment causes a late arrival, parents/guardians must accompany their children to Reception and show appointment documents. Permission from their Coordinator, Assistant Principal, or Principal is needed for the student to enter class.
2.3 Students are not allowed to leave school early, except for medical or legal reasons. Parents/guardians must submit any requests for early departure in writing, accompanied with documentation of medical or legal appointments.
3. Student Audio-Visual
3.1 Photography and videography of Delmon Private School students, staff, and parents are created for the purpose of sharing student achievements, skills, and talents, celebrating pupil success, and as a beautiful memory of each student's time at our school.
3.2 Photographs and video recordings can be utilized for both internal and external reasons, including marketing. Images can therefore be used for internal magazines, publications, hosted on social media, submitted to communications, publications, and commercial actions via printed and online media sources, utilized in school publications, and used as external marketing elements.
3.3 Photography and videography of certain events and programs within the school are sent to media and news outlets that cover unique events within our school on occasion.
3.4 Consent is implied by signing the Parent-School contract, and most parents want to see their child's accomplishments honoured publicly. A parent may withdraw consent at any time by sending a written notice to the Executive Headmaster.
4. Personal Conduct
4.1 Students are subjected to a strict code of behaviour at the school. The school expects its students to behave properly and within societal moral and legal norms.
5. Amendments and Changes
5.1 The school retains the right, at its absolute discretion and without prior notice, to modify or change any or all of these Terms and Conditions. Parents are encouraged to visit the school website on a regular basis for the most up-to-date Terms and Conditions.